Photos of Israel
Page 42
Photographer:  Patty Brdar

(The photographer is Patty Brdar unless otherwise noted.)

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South Central (between Jerusalem and Beersheva)

Bethany, Bethphage, Bethlehem, Church of the Nativity, Rachel's Tomb, Beth Shemesh, Upper & Lower Bet Horon, Latrun, Macabee Tombs, Tel Gezer, Valley of Sorek, Elah Valley, Labyrinth caves/Maresha, Tel Lachish, Kibbutz Maale HaHamishah, Hebron, Shamua/Eshtamoa, Debir, Jifna/Gophna

ISRA-ii-SSR1-62 Church of the Holy Nativity, inside
The natural terrain, where there were caves for barns and burial, has been covered with this massive church. In the basement of the church, one can view areas that were the cave and manger, now embellished with marble, paintings, candles and incense.
Luke 2:4-6 - Mary & Joseph traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem to comply with a census, and while in Bethlehem, Mary gave birth to Jesus.

ISRA-ii-SSR1-63 Manger
Church of the Holy Nativity, Bethlehem
Luke 2:7 - Mary wrapped baby Jesus in cloths and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.

ISRA-ii-SSR1-60 Shepherds' Field
Luke 2:8 - Shepherds were watching their flocks by night when angels of the Lord appeared and announced the birth of the Savior.

ISRA-ii-SSR1-61 Sheep and Goats
Matthew 25:31-46 - Jesus will separate the nations for judgement as a shepherd sorts his white sheep and brown goats.

ISRA-ii-SSR1-74 Rachel's Tomb
Genesis 35:16-20, 48:7 - On the road to Ephrath/Bethlehem, Rachel died from giving birth to Benjamin and was buried. Jacob set up a pillar over her grave. Today, this chapel is a memorial to Rachel, and you'll often see pregnant women come here to pray.

ISRA-jg-R20-14 Grape Vine
John 15:5 - I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit...





ISRA-jg-R20-13 Grape Arbor - 1
ISRA-jg-R20-13 Grape Arbor - 2

ISRA-ii-SSR2-119 Fog
view from Kibbutz Maale Hahamishah

1031 Rose
(Also available as a Scripture Picture)

ISRA-ii-SSR1-58 Bethany
About 2 miles from Jerusalem; Mary, Martha, and Lazaras lived here.
John 11:13-44 - Jesus raised Lazrarus from the dead.
John 12:1-8 - Jesus stayed in Bethany the last week of His life; Mary annointed Jesus' feet with costly perfume.

ISRA-ii-SSR1-57 Bethphage
Matthew 21:1-7 - Jesus told the disciples to get the foal of a donkey for Him to ride into Jerusalem for His triumphal entry.

ISRA-ii-SSR1-59 Hill Country of Judah scenery - 1

ISRA-ii-SSR1-66 Beth Shemesh
Joshua 15:10 - Northern border of Judah.

ISRA-ii-SSR1-67 Valley of Elah - 1
I Samuel 17:1-58 - David & Goliath

ISRA-ii-SSR1-70 Valley of Elah, wadi
The wadi where David chose 5 smooth stones

ISRA-ii-SSR1-69 Valley of Elah,
Philistine army's side, Tel Succoth where Goliath came down and challenged Israel

ISRA-ii-SSR1-68 Valley of Elah,
Israel army's side


Labyrinth Caves -1, Entrance

Labyrinth Caves - 2

Labyrinth Caves - 3
These are not the caves near Eingedi mentioned in I Samuel 24. However, if that particular cave was even a fraction of the size of these labyrinth caves, now we know how David could have hidden in a cave and cut off part of Saul's robe without Saul ever seeing him!
Again, I'm not saying this is any particular cave at Makkedah as described in Joshua 10:16-27, but another question in my mind was answered. With openings at the top of a cave chamber, this is possibly how Joshua could trap five enemy kings and seal them in a cave by simply placing a rock over the entrance.


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